How hard could this possibly be or upgrading to 5.2

How hard could this possibly be?

Those who know me – a vanishingly small group, becoming smaller day by day – know that I can barely spell “infrastructure”. It simply isn’t my métier and because of that, I dread any shape, manner, or form of installation. Also, I suck at it.

But, needs must when the Devil drives and as noted by Yr. Obt. Svt., OneStream 5.2 is upon us. As I have 5.1 (installed, yes, but with my Younger Taller and OMG Smarter And Subjectively (eh, quite likely) Better Looking Brother From Completely Different Parents as guide), it is time to grasp the nettle and upgrade my instance all by my lonesome.

Join me, won’t you?

NB – This is not any kind of install a customer should do. Ever. And you could really just read the docs (how on earth do you think I’m doing this?) but if an infrastructure incompetent can do it, surely you can too so enjoy the madness.

It’s just one page, so really how could this possibly be hard?

Yep, just the one page in the install doc:

  1. Install Application Servers
  2. Install Web Servers
  3. Create Database Schemas and Connection Strings
  4. Configure

OneStream 5.2’s big tenth

Yr. Obt. Svt.’s Take

OneStream XF 5.2 (henceforth plain old 5.2) is both awesome and odd.

Let’s get the odd out of the way as it’s just my opinion: this should have been version 6.0, not 5.2; there’s an awful lot of stuff here, much of it a huge extension of the product. Why something with roughly five new and frankly huge features isn’t worthy of a more exciting description than a dot release is beyond this geek’s ken and is a mystery best answered by inscrutable marketers and product managers.

Whatever the reason – possibly because it’s the product of Midwestern modesty – what 5.2 brings to the table is just enormous. Here are the highlights:

  • BI Blend
  • BI Viewer and Dashboards
  • Pivot Grid (Standard and Large)
  • Table Views

We’re talking new UI components (big ones including a new dashboarding feature), new engines (Merciful Creator, again, how can this be a dot release?), new connections, a new API, and a bunch of other features. This is a big, big, big release. This blog post can only cover the highlights – subsequent posts will try to review each feature in turn.

With that, let’s begin looking at these

A n00b’s OneStream Journey No.7 — I’ve Got Your Number

Stunning and maybe in a good way. Or not.

It’s all about numbers and – quite honestly, 98% of the reason I write this blog – I have the best, best, best (or perhaps the worst, worst, worst) antediluvian not-at-all-relevant-to-anyone-but-your-grandparents pop culture reference. Please, click on it and pinky promise you’ll watch the whole thing– it’s that good. And yes, it is actually germane to this post.

All done?

Do you ever think you’ll be the same? No. Will you ever click on one of those links? No. Again. Until next time at least. But really, there’s a point other than the searing of your eyes and a reminder that not everything from before-you-were-born is…like that.

How will you feel when you use the Excel add-in to retrieve a number from your super-duper OneStream application and get the wrong number? How is that possible? OneStream doesn’t do bad data. But it can happen. And then it’s bad, right? And you’re frustrated, gobsmacked, fearful, , and even blue? Fired is more like it. Mr. Twimble has the right idea although the mail room might not be the ultimate expression of your ambition.

I’ve Not Got Your Number


Why I do what I do when it comes to blogging

Why I do what I do do do

Do you know why I write endless drivel try to contribute something to the CPM/EPM world through the-very-best-social-media-this-Gen-Xer-can-come-up-with?

This is LinkedIn message is why:


This, this, this is why I’ve spent thousands (yes, really, even if to little positive effect) of hours over the last 10+ years on the web. Only this. And trying to figure out how to do something and have an earthly chance of remembering how I did it whatever “it” might be. So, two things, but the former is much more gratifying even if it’s the latter that keeps me employed.

Dear Anonymized Reader, thank you so much for this. The thought that my ramblings have helped anyone, ever, is incredibly gratifying.

Destroying stereotypes

In case you wonder why Yr. Hmbl. & Mst. Obt. Svt. hasn’t identified the writer of this LinkedIn note, said writer really does exist and is a Millennial who isn’t 100% comfortable with public exposure on Al Gore’s Greatest Invention. A complete implosion (complete role reversal really) of stereotypes between the two of us although I have been assured that $12 avocado toasts are part of that millennial’s standard fare.

For the