An easy peasy no big deasy update of the OneStream license key

It’s expired, and not your parking meter

There I was, dreaming about this and that when I decided to go into Good Old OneStream to take a looky-loo at AVBS on my laptop install and I WAS SURPRISED BY THE FOOM!

Actually, nothing so dramatic. It was more like this:

A screenshot of a social media post Description automatically generated

What, you mean these things expire? Yes, Cameron, yes, they do. Bummer.

No matter, as I am a consultant at a OneStream partner, all I need do is ask for a valid key and update away. Putting aside the fact that I’ve done this in the past and also putting aside the fact that I’ve completely forgotten how to perform said license key update, it was easy to do. On the chance that you share the same colossal memory/aversion to work/are generally as clueless as Yr. Obt. Svt. (surely not), I present to you the handful of steps required to do this.

NB – I am doing this on my consultant laptop. No (sane) OneStream customer would use something like this. Maybe, and I do mean maybe, this might be something for an on-premises customer; if you’ve a OneStream Azure hosted customer, OneStream Support will handle it all. I

A n00b’s OneStream Journey No. 4 — Deleting and reloading an application

Moving an application tither and yon

Moving applications across environments is part and parcel of practically any CPM vendor’s tools. It’s here in production and I want it to be there migrated back into development. Or the other way around. Or across servers. Or to a laptop (for we consultants). Whether your team does the moving, or your IT department does it, or your managed service provider does it, or if indeed your software vendor’s cloud team does it, the key bit is that someone does it. Also, it could be you who does the moving.

If you think this is hard, or requires many hours, or is fraught with the potential for error (erm, except for the self-harm Yr. Obt. Svt. inflicts upon himself as I stumbled through this), you’re wrong. It’s dead easy with OneStream.

Let’s do this in steps.

Step the first, extract the application for migration

Just a note – the process I’m going to illustrate below will be for metadata (dimensions, CubeViews, security, dashboards, etc.) only. There’s a separate step that extracts data and I’ll cover that in some later post.

Just another note – this is from an honest to goodness customer application and

A n00b’s OneStream Journey No. 1 – Dr OneStream or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Infrastructure

Infrastructure and Me

Yr. Evr. Lyl. & Fthfl. Svt. and infrastructure have a relationship: I must be able to install the software I work with else I take up ditch digging and yet at the same time I’m pretty dire at it and I hate it. Do I hate it because I’m bad at it or am I bad at it because I hate it? Does the reason even matter? It’s complicated.

However, I’ve moved on to a new CPM platform so perhaps things will be better. I was told this week that anyone (the actual example was: anything aka a can of soda pop) can install. And yet I know that installing Office 2016 just the way I wanted literally took me a weekend. Talk about complicated.

And yet, and yet…a new release of OneStream came out on the 18th of October and by the 19th of the same month and year I simply had to have it, cf. my aversion to manual trench excavation. Buoyed by what might be wildly misplaced optimism on my part, I decided to try the 4.1 to 4.2 install. How hard could it be? After all, the upgrade instructions