Oracle OpenWorld 2019 presentations, free as in beer


You, Gentle Reader, are one of three sorts when it comes to reading this blog:

  1. You didn’t get to go to OpenWorld for a variety of reasons, but sure wish you had.
  2. You did go to OpenWorld but didn’t attend every session you wanted to go to/you did attend each and every session you wanted to but were too sleepy/hungover/overwhelmed to remember.  I might have fallen into the latter category.
  3. You really meant to learn all about cars at and unintentionally typed in “cpm” instead of “cars”. A sort-of understandable mistake. I fully expect you to stop reading although of course you’re welcome to carry on.

Whatever your reason (unless you’re in the third group and don’t have a sense of curiosity), this post is for you. And for once it’s short and sweet.

NB – Actually, no, there’s a fourth that ended up here but pretty much wished it was anywhere else in the world wide web. Fie to you, I say!

And heeeeeereeeee they are!

Here’s the link to the publicly available OOW 2019 EPM presentations.

Roadmaps, emerging technology, customer success stories, everything — it’s all there.  It isn’t quite like being there

OpenWorld 2019, day 4, but in fact not even then

Why do I even bother?

At the beginning of conferences I am filled with fresh will and enthusiasm, sure that this time I really and truly will keep you, Gentle Reader, as informed as informed can be when it comes to this conference; any conference really. And I don’t. Ah, a man’s reach must exceed his grasp else what’s a heaven for?

Having firmly established the fact that I am either a fool (almost certainly), unreliable (the evidence speaks for itself), or simply unduly optimistic in my estimation of how hard I’m really going to try to do this (this is what I choose to believe although I think there’s something about the road to Hell and pavement in the form of good intentions), and before I get to the main plate of delicious geeky information, allow me to give you some impressions of what OpenWorld was like this year. And oh yeah, day four of the conference finds me on an aeroplane on the way back to the Right Coast, so all of the cool EPM stuff that Oracle cruelly scheduled for Thursday – missed the whole thing. Argh. Disirregardless of my poor timing (next year I’ll stay through

Oracle OpenWorld 2019, live blog, part two

OpenWorld is an interesting place

I tweeted this one out it bears repeating.

There is an eyeglasses vendor.

At OpenWorld.

In the Expo Hall.

And they’re doing a smashing business.

What can I say?

Hah! I can say something: for a limited time, there’s a 20% discount.

So much for vendor relations.

I swear there’ll be real content Real Soon Now.

Be seeing you.

OpenWorld 2019, live blog, part the zeroeth and first

Zero? One?

Every good(ish) geek knows the difference between zero and one based numbering systems. Said geek also knows that Powers That Be flip between them, seemingly arbitrarily. When I want to fool mathheads/real programmers, I use a zero-based convention. When I interact with normies, I use one.

Said geek also knows that different conversations and contexts seem to drive usage in a seemingly arbitrary way. I flip between the two contextually:  when I want to fool mathheads/real programmers into thinking I have a brain, I use a zero-based convention. When I interact with normies, I use one as my starting point.

In this case, I’m using both. Unpossible! In fact all of this falderal means is that I’m combining yesterday’s pretty-much-arrive-in-San-Francisco-at-OpenWorld and EPM partner meeting with an ongoing live stream today and, with luck, every day.

I can’t tell you much (actually, nothing) about yesterday’s partner meeting, but I can share with you this list of sessions Oracle recommended to us. Also, as a bonus you get the top of someone’s head. Lucky whoever that may be.

Many of these sessions are already full, but if not and you’re at OOW, check them out.

I’ve got to go