Culture Clash Series
The performance management world is broad. Those who practice within it are wide in skills, dispersed in geography, deep in talent, and – in general – all jumbled together.
Your hosts are all North Americans (Canadians and Mexicans rejoice for this American has finally figured out how not to use “America” as shorthand for that quarter-or-so of the globe above the equator and a bit west of the ) but hail from three different continents. Beyond the differences in our personalities, it’s easy to see your hosts’ cultural influences in this podcast: British diffidence, Indian thoughtfulness, American brashness. Stereotypes and certainly wide brushed, but where your hosts’ formative years were spent marked us. With luck, it makes for an in interesting podcast.In that vein, we thought it would be interesting to talk to our fellow North American performance management practitioners who work and live here today but come from elsewhere. Our audience is primarily from that quarter of the globe mentioned above; we are not perhaps the most introspective people and might be improved if we were so. An outsider sees the quirks and foibles that a native cannot. This episode begins a series